Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's Weigh In Day

This week is a bummer.  I weighed in and I gained three pounds.  I had a feeling it wouldn't be a good weigh in day since it's been a weird week, but I honestly didn't think it would be a gain.  I thought maybe I would just stay the same or at worst gain a pound, but not three.  Three feels like such a defeat.  I guess I shouldn't be so down on myself, there are always going to be setbacks when trying to make big changes.  All I can do is pick myself up, keep working at it, and look at what happened this week.

First of all, I've been having problems with my cycle this month.  I got my period a week and a half before it was due and it lasted for nine days.  Then it stopped for three days, picked up again for a day or two, and then stopped again.  That's totally abnormal for me.  I normally have a 4 day period.  I've felt bloated  and I can't wear my belt as tight as I normally do.  Additionally, when I get my period, I crave sweets and greasy fried food.  I've given into my cravings more than I should have, over the past week or two.    I'm sure that has been part of my downfall.

I've also eaten out more this week than I normally do.  I had sushi and crab rangoons (not normal), last Saturday.  I had a sandwich from D'Angelos, last Sunday (we usually do this on Sunday nights since both my boyfriend and I get out of work late).  Monday was my birthday, and I expected to eat terrible that day, since it's my one day a year that's all about me.  I went to a cook out during the day and tried to eat light there, but I did have a piece of my birthday cake.  I went to Fire + Ice for dinner (where I only go once or twice a year).  I did limit myself and didn't try to over stuff myself like I used to.  I only ate two plates of food since that's all I have room for.  I didn't try to eat a third plate and stopped at pleasantly full.  I had sushi again last night (also not normal).

My work schedule has been messed up, this week, since I traded a day with someone so they could have the day off that they needed.  On top of that, it hasn't been very busy.  I've found myself sitting around a lot, so I haven't been getting as much of a work out as I usually do.

The left over back pain from my injury over the summer has been particularly bad, this week.  I have a very hard time falling asleep, and because of that and my fibromyalgia, I have been sleeping terribly.  Because of that, I have been sleeping later and have had less time to do stuff before work.  Unfortunately, my exercises are falling to the wayside more often than I would like them to.

What it comes down to is there are things I can change and things I can't.  I can't do anything about the changes in my cycle.  I've already called my doctor and I was told it could just be a fluke this month, but if it happens again, next month, then I should call back for an appointment, so I will have to wait and watch.  I can control what I eat though and avoid the sweets and fried foods.  I can go back to not eating out as much, since I know that didn't help one bit.  I also can't control when the restaurant isn't as busy as it normally is.  I can take control of my pain and my sleep issues.  I plan on changing my primary care doctor since my current one doesn't seem to understand my needs.  The doctor I want to change to has a lot of experience in treating fibromyalgia.  Hopefully, we will be able to make a plan of attack to get my fibromyalgia under control.  I will be calling a chiropractor for an appointment to make sure my back is still in alignment.  I will be calling my pain management doctor since the injections that I got almost three weeks ago are not helping whatsoever and I don't want to wait another month to tell him that this is not working.

Yes this week is a setback, but I have a plan to turn it around.


  1. Don't worry too much about a 3 pound gain - normal body fluctuations can cause a +/- of 5 pounds. This is especially true for women during their periods.
    The key thing is that you are aware that the scale went up a bit so you can look at where the week went off from normal and adjust for the new week.
    Keep up the positive changes and attitude.

    1. I do expect fluctuations, which is why I only weigh myself once a week, but I also don't fluctuate that much. I tend to stay constant unless something changes. I'm definitely trying to be more mindful. Thanks for the encouragement. <3
