Monday, October 14, 2013

Love and Baking

Fall is a strange time for me.  I hit the seasonal change (which for some reason the summer to fall change is the worst) and I have found myself in a funk on more than one occasion.  At the same time, I enjoy the fall, especially now that I am out of school and have my own home.  My boyfriend and I have created traditions that I look forward to every year.  

I have found that one of the things I look forward to is baking.  It's too hot to bake in the late spring through early fall.  In fact, I don't even want to cook in the hot and sticky New England summers.  If I could afford it and it was healthy, I would probably eat out or get take out every meal of every day.  But in the fall, there is something that just feels so magical about baking.  I light a candle and usually play music and the constant internal chatter of my head shuts off.  I find myself focusing on love as I work the ingredients and beyond that my brain just seems to flow.  My hands know what they have to do and the only disruption in this flow is to check the details of the recipe.  Even after I check the recipe, I go back to the flow of working through the recipe.  

I've only noticed recently that I do this, but as I look back on my baking season, last year, I did the exact same thing.  Now that I realize I do this, what do I do with it?  I have a hard time with normal meditation, since my head doesn't normally turn off, so perhaps this could become my form of meditation and communication with deity.