Thursday, March 20, 2014

Finding Athena

I've been searching for my matron and patron for some time.  I've found myself confused and exploring different goddesses without any results.  I explored a relationship with Cerridwen in my early years, and more recently Diana, Hera, and Gaia.  None of them seemed quite like a fit. Recently in an attempt to find clarity, I went in search of my matron using my pendulum.  The answers I received were unexpected.  My matron is not Cerridwen, Diana, Hera, or Gaia.  The answer I received was Athena.  I was baffled by it.  The only inkling I'd ever had toward Athena is that I am very drawn toward owls, especially in more recent years.  I found this answer surprising.

Last night, I was at a monthly healing circle that I've been attending recently.  We begin the night with a guided meditation, which is then followed by mini energy work sessions.  It's a truly sacred place that has helped me to cope with a recent death in the family.  During the meditation, we were guided to travel up to source, however we envisioned that source.  There she was standing before me.  It was Athena and it was clear that is my matron.  She was shining and beautiful and comforting.  After that, the meditation moved on to balancing and cleansing our chakras.  I didn't want to leave Her, but I knew I needed the balance.  She then gave me a vision of a large barn owl flying toward me.  I felt at peace.  It was a simple knowing... different from any other experience.  Words cannot truly describe how I felt in that moment, or how I feel now.  They fall short.  It was a truly beautiful experience that I am so grateful for.


  1. Interesting enough that we've been doing those Guided Meditations on Monday nights where we go to meet her and she shows us different parts of Athens. :) Synchronicity?

    1. Right? That occurred to me as well. I was actually surprised by how easy I found those meditations to be and how detailed they were visually since I struggle with that.
